Spending money to save money is, sometimes, one of those concepts you really have to wrap your head around. And, let’s face it, that can be as painful as it sounds, especially when you’re talking about light bulbs. Walk into any home improvement store and you can find regular incandescent light bulbs for $1 each or less. When you consider the fact that the average American household has 40 or more light bulbs inside, even on the cheap end of the scale, you’re spending a lot more than just pocket change to illuminate your home. So why in the world would you willingly spend 4 or 5 times more to purchase the green, tree-hugging compact fluorescent lights?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Ceramic vs. Porcelain
I was having a rather spirited debate with a colleague of mine about the benefits of using porcelain tile for flooring. According to my opponent, they never heard of using porcelain on floors! At first, I was just beside myself with the denial, but after looking into it more, I found out that a lot of people aren’t quite sure about the differences and which one is better to use in what application.
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