Lou in IA
We’re removing old carpeting with the intent on installing a new tile flooring on top of the existing wood. Unfortunately, we also discovered that over the course of time, the dogs have had several “accidents” and we don’t want the urine smell to travel up through the new floor. What are our options?

While there are several cleaners on the market, just remember that you’re talking about an organic stain, not chemical. So the product you use needs to be able to treat organic stains successfully. Basically, that means you need to use enzymes. Here are my suggestions. Soak a rag in hydrogen peroxide and place over the stain. This will pull the stain out of the wood and, in most cases, the smell. The miracle liquid white vinegar is another option. Vinegar neutralizes ammonia, although it won’t do much on the staining. If you don’t care what the floor underneath looks like, you can always completely seal the stain by painting it with a shellac-based primer, like
B-I-N, from Zinsser.
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