Janelle in WI
There is a foul odor emanating from under our bathroom sink. It only started a couple of months ago and the smell comes & goes. Help!

Unfortunately, this is one of those problems that could have several reasons why it’s happening. My first step would be to check the P-Trap under the sink. The trap keeps water in place that will prevent sewer gas from seeping back into the living space. If you find no clogs or leaks, my next step would be to check the vent stack. That’s the pipe that goes up through the roof. Let’s say the tub is draining, or the washing machine is draining. Since the vent is clogged, they’re going to pull air from anything nearby, like your bathroom lavatory. Run a plumbing snake as far down the stack as you can. Now…if THAT doesn’t do the trick, I would probably question if there may be a dead critter under the vanity, in the wall or under the floor. If you have a crawlspace under the house, it’s time to get dirty and go investigate. If you suspect under the cabinet or in the wall, I would invest in a digital inspection camera, like the
SeeSnake from Ridgid or
Ryobi’s TEK4 Inspection Scope.
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