Friday, March 11, 2011

Scraping Up Old Adhesive

Kelsey in GA

I discovered the tile in our kitchen that I want to replace was put down with Liquid Nail. We’ve got the tile up, but how do we remove the Liquid Nail from the floor?

I would have loved to have seen that installation job! Believe it or not, you don’t have that tough of a task in front of you. The worse part is removing the tile and you’ve already done that. While you can purchase a chemical adhesive solvent, I’ve found that a very simple $12 tool that fits into any standard reciprocating saw is all you need. It’s called the Spyder Scraper from Simple Man Tools. They have two sizes available and all it is, is the working end of a rigid putty knife, but by using the reciprocating power of your saw, it becomes a Super Scraper! I’ve seen this tool cut through dried up Liquid Nails like a hot knife through butter and there’s virtually no elbow grease needed from you other than holding the recip saw in place as you scrape and keeping it at the right angle so as not to gouge the plywood subfloor. Hopefully, you’re on a concrete slab, which will make it all the more easier. Check them out. You can order directly through their web site at

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